Monday, November 9, 2015

The Sensory Table is a super opportunity for children to engage their tactile senses as well as engage in creative expression and imaginative play.

Cutting and gluing are skills that children develop at this age.  The Performance Standard is "uses coordinated small-muscle movements" and "using eye-hand coordination to manipulate smaller objects with refined precision."  Look at this concentration!
At our Farm Drama Center, children have been milking our cow and using their cutting skills to make a hat that has a distinct likeness to our friend in the milking parlor.  

Students have been experimenting with various mediums and tools. Here are some friends exploring our new glitter paints.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Heavy or Light?  Scientific Inquiry (Cognitive Performance Standard 1)

Working on animals for our bulletin board in the main hallway at Vinton School.  Don't forget to check it out this month for our culmination of "Brown Bear, What do You See?  Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What do You See?  Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear? and Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What do you See?

Ms. Rosetti, an intern working with our Speech and Language Pathologist Mrs. Danielle Heersink, is playing a fun game called "Brown Bear Bingo."  We worked on our language skills and colors.

Drama Center-Old-Fashioned Farm

Our new drama center supports Creative Expression (Performance Standard 3) as well as a variety of Personal and Social Standards such as "Shows self-direction with range of materials" and "Interacts cooperatively with peers."  We'll be picking apples, harvesting corn, gathering the eggs and exploring life in the barnyard.