Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The beautiful weather continues.

The children continue to benefit from time outdoors to socialize, relax and most importantly-PLAY.  

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Talent Show for Friends! Performing for an audience to the song "Let It Go"!

Mr. Curran and his cool trumpet started off our Afternoon Friday Talent Show!

 One of our parents came today and started off Friday Talent Show with his amazing trumpet.  Our afternoon students and staff loved the jazz, familiar tunes and interesting facts about playing the trumpet.  Thank you Mr. Curran!, 

Talent Show! A friend read her entire book to her friends during our Friday Talent Show.

Owl Babies Art Project

Not only does the book "Owl Babies" allow for development of concepts of print, reading comprehension and retelling, but follow-up activities such as this multi-media representation of the 3 owls, Sarah, Percy and Bill, contribute to recalling specific details from the story.  At one point in the story, the three baby owls all get on one branch and wait for their owl mother to return.  For some students, counting out three baby owls and representing them with visual representations contributed to the Performance Standard "Relates number to quantity."

OWL Babies is one of our favorite books. We have read it many times and children often choose this book from among others in the "Old Favorites" box.


One of the Performance Standards for "Cognitive" is "Uses Writing to convey meaning".  These benchmarks for 2 1/2 to 6-year-old children state that children begin their writing by using crayons, markers and pencils to make scribbles on paper and then write messages using scribbles.  Eventually, children write messages using "letter-like shapes and some conventional letters".  The expectation for children who are 5 1/2 to 6 years old are that they will be writing messages "using invented spelling and several conventional words."  

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Our morning friends were so fortunate to have Mrs. May come for a bit of ball work as an Instructional Center, today December 10th. We had a "ball" using our balance to push and kick that ball. Thank you Mrs. May.

The numbers on the rug were pushed around during the activity, I promise I'm not teaching counting 4,5, 7, 8!

Scientific inquiry Cognitive 1: Children are investigating the opposites of FAST or SLOW. This activity also engages children in motor planning and using personal and social skills to negotiate. Friends worked together to make their vehicles go fast or slow.

Sustained silent reading as an arrival choice. Children are expected to choose a book, read quietly, stay in one spot, read the whole book and to get started right away. The children are enjoying the spinny chair that was donated by one of our families.

Play dough creations using buttons and glass drops for cookies


More cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Preschool Cookie Shop

Outdoors and more! Children engage in core-strengthening actitivies and artistic expression.

Bead lacing, an excellent way to tap into fine motor planning, patterning, sorting, and creative expression.