Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Camping and Fishing in Prekindergarten!


Buddy Reading

Arrival Choices & Snack with our newest friend!

Games and puzzles on the rug allow for crossing midline and development of personal and social skills.

These anchor charts on the Fair Ways to Play are around the room in key areas.  Adults frequently refer to them as they intervene on student/student interactions.  

The reading center is always available for quiet enjoyment of books, with or without a friend.  

Students practice writing their names or making their mark on their snack mats.  It looks as though the salsa was a bit spicy.

Sponge painting

Damp sponges provide a nice medium in which to learn to control pressure.  The Spring colors are cheery too.

Look-We made it rain!

Scientific inquiry that requires observation and patience was fun for all today.  The water is the atmosphere, the shave cream was the clouds and the blue was the rain.  We filled the clouds with a good deal of moisture before the rain came.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Snack time-the movie version

Dr. Robinson and her therapy dogs visited on April 17th!

Therapy dogs are specially trained to work in public areas such as schools.  We learned how to take care of a dog.

So well-trained, he even jumps up the table when asked.

We learned how to brush a dog's coat.  We learned that dogs should have their teeth brushed with chicken-flavored toothpaste.

Now we know how to take care of our own pets!